Salon Series 34: Designing Resistance
with Nikki Juen, Rick Valicenti, Ziddi Msangi
The history of protest is grounded in the continuing saga of struggle. Fiery calls for resistance have been heard, heeded, and amplified thousands of times over. This panel will assemble Strikethrough artists from around the globe whose visual innovation merges with their social justice mission. Each of the panelists will briefly describe their practice and the issue(s) it addressed, followed by a group discussion among the panelists and Q&A with the audience.

Salon Series 35: Love
with Lukaza Branfman-Verissimo, Nat Pyper, Martin Venezky
Throughout the history of protest movements and community organizing, there remains a rich tradition of tough love. This panel will assemble Strikethrough artists from around the globe whose visual innovation merges with their social justice mission. Each of the panelists will briefly describe their practice and the issue(s) it addressed, followed by a group discussion among the panelists and Q&A with the audience.

Salon Series 38: Designer as Protestor
with Design is Play: Mark Fox and Angie Wang, Heather Snyder Quinn, Adam DelMarcelle
Creative people whose hearts are in advocacy often make their living in the commercial world. Our panelists have designed for organizations ranging from nonprofits to Fortune 500 companies, producing work that spans advertising to AI. Beyond their client projects, their personal and self-initiated work speaks to their experience as American citizens and human beings. How might designers integrate issues of justice, equity, and human rights along with their professional practice?

Salon Series 39: Call and Response: Histories of Designing Protest
with Ana Llorente and José Menendez
Protesters through time have used typography to strike through myriad forms of oppression. Their urgent, often handmade signs, placards, and banners put bigots on notice that their hate has been marked for correction. Charting the histories of this material is also an artform itself. The speakers in this panel will share their research and curatorial practices on the history of protest movements across North America and the Caribbean.